Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Ausse band opportunity in Germany

Any band that is playing on the Great Australian Wave that wants a gig in Dresden on Nov. 1st should let me know. I MAY... have a spot coming up.

If anyone (AUSTRALIAN BAND) has interest in playing a showcase in Dresden on the first of November let me know. E mail me a link to your band site.
It is early days and nothing is definite, but it would be at....


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Tracer on the bit Euro tour!!!

Red Hot South Australian band TRACER will not only be tearing up the stage on the Great Australian Wave but also will be staying and playing in Europe for an extended period. Check out all of the dates at...

They now have dates in Germany, England, Switzerland, the Czech Republic and Denmark!!! Good on you boys.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Going to Germany, Insert A 2 N instead of Popkomm

Quick one, if you are going to Germany during the time Popkomm was supposed to be on register on this site for updates.

Introducing: all2gethernow. They are trying to take up the slack left by Popkomm this year.

all2gethernow is a platform for all those interested in music, creativity and culture and the environments enabling their production, distribution and consumption.


Death Mattel are off the Great Australian Wave!!!

Hey guys,

Just to let you know, Death Mattel has pulled out of the Great Australian Wave for personal reasons.

Although I was personally very much looking forward to seeing them play and the reaction they get in Europe, this does make things easier in some ways. The changeovers will be easier, and the marketing more focused.

As soon as any of you have accommodation booked (look at for help), let me know where you are staying and some contact details. Safety, contact, and logistics are all helped when we share our info.

Make sure you contact the venues, Austrade and Stefan Jedele at Austrade in Frankfurt.
