Saturday, July 18, 2009

We Are Hunted, comes to the rescue!!!


Since the withdrawal of funding for the Great Australian Wave by Arts Victoria so many people have come to the aid of independent Australian Bands that it is just totally UNBELIEVABLE!!!!

The relatively new and very cool website
has pledged their financial support of the Great Australian Wave(GAW)!!! WOW, thanks and I think all the bands heading to Europe will certainly be impressed. They just approached us and said they want to help. This is just what the doctor ordered and we are all over the moon.

It is a new music site that listens to online discussion, sentiment and sharing to chart the 99 most popular songs online each day. We Are Hunted which was developed with Native Digital, is basically the music chart for the digital generation, tracking the 99 most popular songs online each day across blogs, social networks, forums and P2P networks.

See what these guys have written.... (08/04/2009)

Steve Iorio and Renate Iorio

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