Monday, June 29, 2009

Export Solutions put up a hand to save Great Australian Wave

Dear Minister Kosky,
My name is Lina Lamont and I work as an Export Grants Adviser for Export Solutions in Melbourne. I have gotten to know both Steve and Renate over the last year and have admired both their enthusiasm and commitment to their music as well as being a wealth of knowledge and support for many Artists who are new to the music scene. As you would know they have been preparing for The Great Australian Wave Tour for the past six months and have spent both time and money in the process. The decision of Arts Victoria to cancel the funding at this late stage is both disappointing and disheartening. From other correspondence you would know that PopKomm is not the only event that Australian Performers attend abroad (as it only goes for three days) but many others as well. Many Artists would find it very difficult if not impossible to organise such an event on their own and really need both the financial support as well organisation support (given by people such as Steve and Renate Iorio).
Can I ask you to please reconsider your decision to cut funding from this project not based on PopKomms’ cancellation but based on the other performances and valuable contacts that they are able to make from this trip.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Kind regards,
Lina Lamont
Export Solutions Pty Ltd

Suite 512 / 566 St Kilda Road
Melbourne Victoria 3004
T: +61 (0) 3 9529 4888
F: +61 (0) 3 9529 5888
M: 0414 977 775

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