Tuesday, June 30, 2009

JL Music Publishing, letter of support Great Australian Wave

Brilliant!!! Thank you.

We have been officially denied now, with no recourse. But I do have one thing that has kept me sane. The thought that SO many people have come to my defense. It is really heart warming.

and the support is hugely appreciated.
Steve Iorio (and Renate).

On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 12:18 PM, Helen Page (JLP) wrote:

Dear Minister Kosky

I would like to express my concern over the removal of Arts Vic Funding for a "Great Australian" initiative, The Great Australian Wave.
Whilst Popkomm may have been cancelled, the GAW will and should still go ahead.

Steve and Renate of Blind Beatroot, put their heart and soul (and finances) into this initiative, an initiative which makes a powerful contribution to the promotion of Australian Music internationally. Many of the bands who have committed to touring have made many personal sacrifices and financial commitments, something which is a challenge for any musician, and not a commitment to be taken lightly.

The Great Australian Wave will go ahead in a revised format without Popkomm, and the reality is the opportunity for exposure is now even greater, with targeted show cases planned throughout Europe. This is a wonderful opportunity for the Great Australian Wave to become an independent showcase throughout not only Europe, but the rest of the world. The bond between the Australian Music and German Music Industries is a strong one and is something that requires nurturing to maintain and sustain that relationship.

I have kept this brief as I would assume you have been inundated with recommendations to reinstate the funding.

I have a great deal of faith in the Arts Funding Systems in Australia and sincerely hope that this rash decision be reversed before any more harm is done to the Australian Music Industry and to the individuals, organisations and bands involved.

Yours sincerely

Helen Page

JL Music Publishing Pty Ltd

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