Sunday, June 28, 2009

Forward letter to Arts Vic, Minister for Arts Lynne Kosky

Hi All,

Calling in for a bit of a favour here....

A friend of mine, Steve Iorio organises the Australian Showcase at Germany's Popkomm Music Industry Festival known as the 'Great Australian Wave.'
A Music Industry event much like South By South West in Austin, Texas. This year, due to many factors including the international financial climate' Popkomm has essentially been cancelled.

Steve and the many Australian bands booked to attend Popkomm this year had already outlayed a lot of time and big dollars for air fares, accomodation, promotion and the like and so decided to continue with the trip abroad in the form of an all-Australian musical / promotional road show. Steve and his partner Renate, like always, poured there time and expertise into ensuring this new plans success.

Unfortunately, at this point Arts Victoria decided to drop the bombshell that they would be withdrawing their funding, leaving the Great Australian Wave financially stranded.
Steve has asked if I, and any musicians I know could email the relevent powers that be to consider re-instating the previously granted funding so the Great Australian Wave can go forward with it's promotion of Australian music in Europe.

Please follow the linke below for more information and see the email I sent below for some inspiration. Please forward onto anyone else who you think might be interested in helping.

Write too:

Minister for the Art (state of Victoria)"The Hon. Lynn Kosky"

Ms Penny Hutchinson Director of Arts Victoria

Jonathan Williamson, Vic Rock (branch of Arts Victoria)


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