Sunday, June 28, 2009

Great Australian Wave, Political Storm Erupting

Dear Johnathan, Lynne and Penny,

RE: Arts Victoria Funding for the Great Australian Wave

It has come to my attention that funding for the 'Great Australian Wave' as organised by Steve and Renate Iorio has been pulled amid cancellation of the Popkomm festival.
I am sure you are well aware of the work that Steve and Renate have done through Blind Beatroot, and the ongoing benefits that Australian musicians will reap from there ongoing commitment to nuturing the local Australian music scene. As a working musician myself, I have experienced first hand the selfless assistance offered by Steve and Renate and wish to pay back in kind the support thay have offered me.

I would like to add my voice to the chorus of concerned musicians calling for the re-instatement of funding to the great Australian Wave. The flow on effect from maintaining a yearly Australian presence in Europe through events such as the road show planned in lieu of Popkomm could be felt by Australian musicians for years to come. Please give Australian musicians and Blind Beatroot the chance to maintain such a presence and continue exposing Australian music to European audiences.

Daniel XXXX

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